Multiplication & Division
29 teaching resources found
Adding Equal Groups - Year 1
Adding Equal Groups - Year 1 Year 1 maths programme of study - Number (number and place value, multiplication and division): count in multiples of...
Beginning to Divide - Grouping - Year 1
Beginning to Divide - Grouping - Year 1 Year 1 maths programme of study - Number - multiplication and division solve one-step problems involving multiplication...
Beginning to Divide - Sharing - Year 1
Beginning to Divide - Sharing - Year 1 Year 1 maths programme of study - Number - multiplication and division: solve one-step problems involving multiplication...
Beginning to Multiply - Year 1
Beginning to Multiply - Year 1 Year 1 maths programme of study - Number (multiplication and division): solve one-step problems involving multiplication and division, by...
Counting in 2s to 20
Counting in 2s to 20 FREE maths teaching resource. Year 1 maths programme of study - Number (number and place value): count, read and write...
Counting in Multiples of Three
Year 2 maths programme of study (Number - number and place value) count in steps of 2, 3, and 5 from 0 In 'Counting in...
Counting in Multiples of Two
Counting in Multiples of Two FREE Maths Teaching Resource Year 1 maths programme of study (Number - number and place value) count in multiples of...
Counting in Tens - Year 1
Counting in Tens - Year 1 Year 1 maths programme of study - Number (number and place value, multiplication and division): count in multiples of...
Dividing by Grouping - Year 1
Dividing by Grouping - Year 1 Year 1 maths programme of study - Number - multiplication and division: solve one-step problems involving multiplication and division,...
Dividing by Sharing - Year 1
Dividing by Sharing - Year 1 Year 1 maths programme of study - Number - multiplication and division: solve one-step problems involving multiplication and division,...
Dividing Using a Number Line - Year 1
Dividing Using a Number Line - Year 1 Year 1 maths programme of study - Number - multiplication and division: solve one-step problems involving multiplication...
Doubles - Year 1
Doubles - Year 1 Year 1 maths programme of study - Number ( multiplication and division): solve one-step problems involving multiplication and division In 'Doubles...
Equal Groups - Year 1
Equal Groups - Year 1 Year 1 maths programme of study - Number (number and place value, multiplication and division): count in multiples of twos,...
Five Times Table Snap
Five Times Table Snap Year 2 - Number - multiplication and division recall and use multiplication and division facts for the 2, 5 and 10...
Grouping - Making Equal Groups - Year 1
Grouping - Making Equal Groups - Year 1 Year 1 maths programme of study - Number (number and place value, multiplication and division): count in...
Making Arrays - Year 1
Making Arrays - Year 1 Year 1 maths programme of study - Number (number and place value, multiplication and division): count in multiples of twos,...
Multiplication as Repeated Addition - Year 1
Multiplication as Repeated Addition - Year 1 Year 1 maths programme of study - Number (multiplication and division): - solve one-step problems involving multiplication and...
Multiplication Using Arrays - Year 1
Multiplication Using Arrays - Year 1 Year 1 maths programme of study - Number (multiplication and division): solve one-step problems involving multiplication and division, by...