20 teaching resources found
Area - Year 4
Area – Year 4. In 'Area - Year 4' teaching resource pupils begin to find the area of rectilinear shapes by counting centimetre squares as...
Comparing and Calculating Time - Year 3
KS2 Maths Teaching Resources – Comparing and Calculating Time - Year 3 Year 3 maths programme of study - Measurement: compare durations of events [for...
Converting and Comparing Units of Length - Year 4
Converting and Comparing Units of Length - Year 4 Year 4 maths programme of study - Measurement: convert between different units of measure estimate, compare...
Converting and Comparing Units of Mass - Year 4
Converting and Comparing Units of Mass - Year 4 Year 4 maths programme of study - Measurement: convert between different units of measure estimate, compare...
Converting and Comparing Units of Money - Year 4
FREE RESOURCE - Converting and Comparing Units of Money - Year 4 Year 4 maths programme of study -Measurement: convert between different units of measure...
Converting and Comparing Units of Volume - Year 4
Converting and Comparing Units of Volume - Year 4 Year 4 maths programme of study - Measurement: convert between different units of measure estimate, compare...
Fractions and Interpreting Scales - Year 3
Fractions and Interpreting Scales - Year 3 Year 3 maths programme of study - Number - fractions: recognise and use fractions as numbers: unit fractions...
Measurement and Decimal Notation - KS2
Measurement and Decimal Notation - KS2 Year 4 Maths Programme of Study - Measurement: Pupils build on their understanding of place value and decimal notation...
Money - Year 3
Money - Year 3 Year 3 maths programme of study - measurement: add and subtract amounts of money to give change, using both £...
Perimeter - Year 3
Perimeter - Year 3 Year 3 maths programme of study - Measurement: measure the perimeter of simple 2-D shapes In 'Perimeter – Year 3' pupils...
Perimeter - Year 4
Perimeter – Year 4 Year 4 maths programme of study - Measurement: measure and calculate the perimeter of a rectilinear figure (including squares) in centimetres...
Telling the Time - Year 3
Telling the Time - Year 3 Maths PowerPoint lesson with 6 accompanying worksheet Year 3 maths programme of study - Measurement: tell and write the...
Time - Year 4
Maths Teaching Resources: Time – Year 4 Year 4 maths programme of study - Measurement - Time: read, write and convert time between analogue and...
Time Problems - Year 4
KS2 Maths Teaching Resources – Time Problems – Year 4 Year 4 maths programme of study - Measurement - Time: solve problems involving converting from...
Units of Length - Year 3
Units of Length - Year 3 Year 3 maths programme of study - Measurement: measure, compare, add and subtract: lengths (m/cm/mm) In 'Units of Length...
Units of Mass - Year 3
KS2 Maths Teaching Resources: Units of Mass - Year 3 Year 3 maths programme of study - Measurement: measure, compare, add and subtract: mass (kg/g)...
Units of Time - Year 3
Maths Teaching Resources – Units of Time - Year 3 Year 3 maths programme of study - Measurement: know the number of seconds in a...
Units of Volume and Capacity - Year 3
KS2 Maths Teaching Resources: Units of Volume and Capacity - Year 3 Year 3 maths programme of study - Measurement: measure, compare, add and subtract:...