Primary Teaching Resources for KS1 & KS2 English, Maths & Science

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Multiples of 10, 100 and 1000 - Year 5 teaching resource

Multiples of 10, 100 and 1000 - Year 5

Primary teaching resource for KS2 Maths

FREE: Multiples of 10, 100 and 1000 - Year 5 Year 5 maths programme of study - Number (multiplication and division): multiply and divide whole...

Measurement and Decimal Notation - KS2 teaching resource

Measurement and Decimal Notation - KS2

Primary teaching resource for KS2

Measurement and Decimal Notation - KS2 Year 4 Maths Programme of Study - Measurement: Pupils build on their understanding of place value and decimal notation...

Identifying Multiples - Year 5 teaching resource

Identifying Multiples - Year 5

Primary teaching resource for KS2 Maths

Identifying Multiples - Year 5 Year 5 maths programme of study - Number (multiplication and division): identify multiples and factors, including finding all factor pairs...

Exclamation Marks teaching resource

Exclamation Marks

Primary teaching resource for KS1/2

Exclamation Marks  Writing - vocabulary, grammar and punctuation 'Exclamation Marks' is an English punctuation teaching resource designed to help pupils use exclamation marks correctly in...

Day and Night - Year 5 teaching resource

Day and Night - Year 5

Primary teaching resource for KS2 Science

Day and Night - Year 5 Year 5 science programme of study - Earth and space: use the idea of the Earth’s rotation to explain...

Ten Times Table Snap teaching resource

Ten Times Table Snap

Primary teaching resource for KS1 Maths

Ten Times Table Snap Year 2 -  Number - multiplication and division recall and use multiplication and division facts for the 2, 5 and 10...

Planning, Drafting and Writing - Year 3 and 4 teaching resource

Planning, Drafting and Writing - Year 3 and 4

Planning, Drafting and Writing - Year 3 and 4 Year 3 and 4 English programme of study - Writing - composition Pupils should be taught...

Dividing by 10, 100 and 1000 - Year 5 teaching resource

Dividing by 10, 100 and 1000 - Year 5

Primary teaching resource for KS2 Maths

Dividing by 10, 100 and 1000 - Year 5 Year 5 maths programme of study - Number (multiplication and division): divide whole numbers by 10,...

Word Types Bundle - Year 5 and 6 teaching resource

Word Types Bundle - Year 5 and 6

Primary teaching resource for KS2

Word Types Bundle - Year 5 and 6 English Grammar Teaching Resource This Year 5 and 6 English grammar bundle introduces pupils to the curriculum...

Primary school EYFS teaching resources Primary school Maths teaching resources Primary school Maths teaching resources Primary school Maths teaching resources

Primary School Teaching Resources

At Teacher-of-Primary we know that teaching isn't easy. That's why we’ve created a website crammed with fantastic teaching resources - to help teachers deliver engaging lessons and to reduce the burden of planning.  We have 35,853 pages of PowerPoints, worksheets and teaching plans which cover English, Maths, Science and History and range from EYFS to KS2.

As teachers ourselves, we know that every student and every school is unique. That’s why our primary school teaching resources are fully editable. You can differentiate and edit them as much as you like – so although they are ready-to-teach you are free to tweak them to your heart’s content. 

All our resources have been made with the National Curriculum in mind so you can be confident that you’re delivering engaging lessons that meet key NC objectives.

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