Primary Teaching Resources for KS1 & KS2 English, Maths & Science
Featured Teaching Resources
Multiples of 10, 100 and 1000 - Year 5
Primary teaching resource for KS2 Maths
FREE: Multiples of 10, 100 and 1000 - Year 5 Year 5 maths programme of study - Number (multiplication and division): multiply and divide whole...
Measurement and Decimal Notation - KS2
Primary teaching resource for KS2
Measurement and Decimal Notation - KS2 Year 4 Maths Programme of Study - Measurement: Pupils build on their understanding of place value and decimal notation...
Identifying Multiples - Year 5
Primary teaching resource for KS2 Maths
Identifying Multiples - Year 5 Year 5 maths programme of study - Number (multiplication and division): identify multiples and factors, including finding all factor pairs...
Exclamation Marks
Primary teaching resource for KS1/2
Exclamation Marks Writing - vocabulary, grammar and punctuation 'Exclamation Marks' is an English punctuation teaching resource designed to help pupils use exclamation marks correctly in...
Day and Night - Year 5
Primary teaching resource for KS2 Science
Day and Night - Year 5 Year 5 science programme of study - Earth and space: use the idea of the Earth’s rotation to explain...
Ten Times Table Snap
Primary teaching resource for KS1 Maths
Ten Times Table Snap Year 2 - Number - multiplication and division recall and use multiplication and division facts for the 2, 5 and 10...
Planning, Drafting and Writing - Year 3 and 4
Planning, Drafting and Writing - Year 3 and 4 Year 3 and 4 English programme of study - Writing - composition Pupils should be taught...
Dividing by 10, 100 and 1000 - Year 5
Primary teaching resource for KS2 Maths
Dividing by 10, 100 and 1000 - Year 5 Year 5 maths programme of study - Number (multiplication and division): divide whole numbers by 10,...
Word Types Bundle - Year 5 and 6
Primary teaching resource for KS2
Word Types Bundle - Year 5 and 6 English Grammar Teaching Resource This Year 5 and 6 English grammar bundle introduces pupils to the curriculum...