Free Maths Resources
7 teaching resources found
3D Shape
FREE KS2 Maths Teaching Resources: 3D Shape. In this teaching resource, pupils will learn how to make cuboids, cubes, tetrahedra and pyramids from nets and...
Common Multiples Activity - Year 5
Common Multiples Activity - Year 5 FREE Maths Teaching Resource Year 5 maths programme of study (Number - multiplication and division): identify multiples and factors,...
Decimal Place Value Game
Decimal Place Value Game: FREE KS2 Maths Decimal Activity 'Decimal Place Value Game' is a KS2 maths activity where pupils practise place value by placing...
Multiples of 10, 100 and 1000 - Year 5
FREE: Multiples of 10, 100 and 1000 - Year 5 Year 5 maths programme of study - Number (multiplication and division): multiply and divide whole...
Number and Place Value Challenge Cards - Year 6
FREE KS2 Maths Teaching Resource: Number and Place Value Challenge Cards - Year 6 Year 6 maths programme of study - Number (number and place...
Ordering Positive and Negative Numbers - KS2
Ordering Positive and Negative Numbers: FREE KS2 Maths Teaching Activity In this FREE maths teaching activity pupils practise comparing positive and negative numbers and placing...
Rounding Decimals
FREE KS2 Maths Teaching Resources: Rounding Decimals Year 5 maths programme of study - Number - Fractions (including decimals and percentages): round decimals with 2...