22 teaching resources found
2-D Shapes - Year 2
FREE KS1 Maths Teaching Resources: 2-D Shapes (Geometry – Year 2) Year 2 maths programme of study - Geometry - properties of shapes: identify and...
2D and 3D Shape Patterns - Year 1
2D and 3D Shape Patterns - Year 1 Year 1 maths programme of study - Geometry - properties of shapes: recognise and name common 2-D...
2D Shapes - Year 1
2D Shapes - Year 1 Year 1 maths programme of study - Geometry - properties of shapes: recognise and name common 2-D shapes, including: 2-D...
3-D Shapes - Year 2
KS1 Maths Teaching Resources: 3-D Shapes (Geometry – Year 2) Year 2 maths programme of study - Geometry - properties of shapes: identify and...
3D Shapes - Year 1
3D Shapes - Year 1 Year 1 maths programme of study - Geometry - properties of shapes: recognise and name common 3-D shapes, including: 3-D...
Clockwise and Anti-clockwise - KS1
Clockwise and Anti-clockwise - KS1 KS1 maths programme of study - Geometry (position and direction) This KS1 maths teaching resource introduces pupils to the mathematical...
Comparing and Sorting Shapes - Year 2
Comparing and Sorting Shapes - Year 2 Year 2 maths programme of study - Geometry - properties of shapes: compare and sort common 2-D...
Describing 2-D Shapes - Year 2
Describing 2-D Shapes - Year 2 Year 2 maths programme of study - Geometry - properties of shapes: identify and describe the properties of 2-D...
Describing 3-D Shapes - Year 2
Describing 3-D Shapes - Year 2 Year 2 maths programme of study - Geometry - properties of shapes: identify and describe the properties of 3-D...
Direction and Movement - Year 2
Direction and Movement – Geometry Year 2 Year 2 maths programme of study - Geometry (position and direction): use mathematical vocabulary to describe position, direction...
Patterns and Sequences - Year 2
Patterns and Sequences - Year 2 Year 2 maths programme of study - Geometry (position and direction): order and arrange combinations of mathematical objects in...
Position - Year 2
FREE RESOURCES - Position - Year 2 Year 2 maths programme of study - Geometry (position and direction): use mathematical vocabulary to describe...
Position and Direction - Year 1
Position and Direction - Year 1 Year 1 maths programme of study - Geometry (position and direction): describe position, direction and movement In this teaching...
Recognising 2-D Shapes - Year 1
Recognising 2-D Shapes - Year 1 Year 1 maths programme of study - Geometry - properties of shapes: recognise and name common 2-D shapes [for...
Recognising 3-D Shapes - Year 1
Recognising 3-D Shapes - Year 1 Year 1 maths programme of study - Geometry - properties of shapes: recognise and name common 3-D shapes, including:...
Shape Rockets - EYFS
Shape Rockets - EYFS Statutory Framework for EYFS - Mathematics: They (children) explore characteristics of everyday objects and shapes and use mathematical language to describe...
Sorting 2D Shapes - Year 1
Sorting 2D Shapes - Year 1 Year 1 maths programme of study - Geometry - properties of shapes: recognise and name common 2-D shapes, including:...
Sorting 3D Shapes - Year 1
Sorting 3D Shapes - Year 1 Year 1 maths programme of study - Geometry - properties of shapes: recognise and name common 3-D shapes, including:...