Search results for year 6 writing
A Guide to Descriptive Writing - Years 5 and 6
A Guide to Descriptive Writing - Years 5 and 6 This teaching resource has been created to help upper KS2 children develop their descriptive writing... more info...
A Letter to Secondary School - Year 6
A Letter to Secondary School - Year 6 In 'A Letter to Secondary School - Year 6' pupils focus on writing a formal letter to... more info...
Adverbials: KS2 English Teaching Resource Year 4, 5 and 6 English programme of study - Writing - vocabulary, grammar and punctuationThis resource can be used... more info...
Autobiographical Writing - Year 5 and 6
Autobiographical Writing - Year 5 and 6 English Reading and Writing PowerPoint Teaching Resource with Accompanying Worksheets This fully editable teaching unit is made up... more info...
Autumn Haiku Poetry - Year 5 and 6
Autumn Haiku Poetry - Year 5 and 6 This 3-lesson mini-unit is designed to cover creative writing and poetry. 'Autumn Haiku Poetry - Year 5... more info...
Awesome Adjectives
Awesome Adjectives Writing - vocabulary, grammar and punctuation Adjectives are Awesome is an animated PowerPoint resource designed to help pupils use a wider and more... more info...
Bonfire Night Bundle
Bonfore Night Bundle Our Bonfire Night Bundle is made up of three resources which share a Bonfire Night theme. The resources included are: Bonfire Night... more info...
Bonfire Night Unit
Year 5 / Year 6 English Teaching Resources: Bonfire Night Unit (non-fiction teaching resources) - This resource is designed to develop non-fiction writing skills at KS2... more info...
Bonfire Night Word Games - KS2
Bonfire Night Word Games - KS2 (PowerPoint and Worksheets). Bonfire Night Word Games is a fully editable animated PowerPoint presentation (with 6 accompanying worksheets)... more info...
Bullying - Discussion Texts
Bullying - Discussion Texts Year 5 / Year 6 English Teaching Unit (Unit of Work made up of a 45-slide PowerPoint and 9 worksheets) This... more info...
Christmas Poetry Unit - KS2
Christmas Poetry Unit - KS2 Our ‘Christmas Poetry’ teaching unit uses a variety of poems with a Christmas theme to teach upper KS2 children how... more info...
Christmas Word Games
Christmas Word Games Christmas Word Games is a fully editable 63 slide PowerPoint presentation (with 15 accompanying worksheets) packed with festive English word activities. Content... more info...
Climate Change - Non-Fiction Unit
UKS2 English: Climate Change - Non-Fiction Unit (Unit of work with an 83-slide PowerPoint presentation and 19 worksheets) This upper KS2 teaching unit uses the... more info...
Colons - Year 5 and 6
Colons - Year 5 and 6 Year 5 and 6 English programme of study - Writing - vocabulary, grammar and punctuation Pupils should be taught... more info...
Common Word Endings 1
FREE ENGLISH SPELLING TEACHING RESOURCE - Common Word Endings 1 This ‘Common Word Endings’ teaching resource is designed to help KS2 pupils develop knowledge of... more info...
Common Word Endings 2
Common Word Endings 2 This ‘Common Word Endings’ teaching resource is designed to help KS2 pupils develop knowledge of the common word endings 'ary', 'ery'... more info...
Complex Sentences - Year 5 and 6
Complex Sentences - Year 5 and 6 In this upper KS2 teaching resource pupils are taught how to build complex sentences to improve their writing... more info...
Descriptive Writing - Year 5 and 6
Descriptive Writing - Year 5/6 is made up of six lesson overview, an 82 slide PowerPoint presentation and a 9-page booklet of worksheets. The PowerPoint... more info...
Developing Reading Skills - Prefixes
Developing Reading Skills - Prefixes Years 5 and 6 English programme of study - Reading - word reading: Pupils should be taught to: apply their... more info...
Dictionary Skills - Year 5 and 6
Dictionary Skills - Year 5 and 6 Year 5 and 6 English programme of study - Writing - transcription Pupils should be taught to: use... more info...
Discussion Writing
Year 5 / Year 6 English Teaching Resources - Discussion Writing / Argument (60 slide PowerPoint & 16 worksheets). In this Year 5 / Year... more info...
Drafting - KS2
Drafting - KS2 'Drafting - KS2' is an English teaching resource designed to help teach pupils how to redraft effectively to improve writing at Year... more info...
Effective Adjectives - KS2
Effective Adjectives - KS2 Writing - vocabulary, grammar and punctuation In 'Effective Adjectives - KS2' pupils practise identifying adjectives and using effective adjectives to improve... more info...
Expanded Noun Phrases - Year 5 and 6
Expanded Noun Phrases - Year 5 and 6 Year 5 and 6 English programme of study - Writing - vocabulary, grammar and punctuation Pupils should... more info...
Extreme Weather - Flooding
Year 5 / Year 6 English Teaching Resources: Extreme Weather – Flooding is designed to develop speaking and listening as well as reading and writing... more info...
Fact and Opinion - Years 5 and 6
Fact and Opinion - Years 5 and 6 Years 5 and 6 English programme of study - Reading - comprehension: distinguish between statements of fact... more info...
Formal and Informal Writing - KS2
Formal and Informal Writing - KS2 This English teaching PowerPoint lesson covers formal writing focusing on writing a letter of complaint. Content includes: What is... more info...
Four Seasons and Five Senses
Four Seasons and Five Senses This resource has been made to help children improve their descriptive writing skills. The resource is designed with... more info...
Halloween Word Games - KS2
Halloween Word Games - KS2 'Halloween Word Games - KS2' is a fully animated PowerPoint presentation which can be edited and adapted to provide quick and fun... more info...
How to Write About Fictional Characters
How to Write About Fictional Characters is a 12-slide PowerPoint presentation (with 2 worksheets) which, as with all our PowerPoints, can be tweaked, personalised and differentiated... more info...
i before e except after c - KS2
i before e except after c - KS2 'i before e except after c - KS2' is an English PowerPoint presentation explaining the spelling rule... more info...
Introducing Pathetic Fallacy - Year 5 and 6
Introducing Pathetic Fallacy - Year 5 and 6 In 'Introducing Pathetic Fallacy - Year 5 and 6' pupils are introduced to the technique of pathetic... more info...
Metaphors Year 5 / Year 6 English Teaching Resources: Using Metaphors to Improve Writing teaches pupils how to identify metaphors in their reading and how... more info...
Mystery Story Writing
Year 5 / Year 6 English Teaching Resources: Mystery Story Writing (KS2 Narrative Reading and Writing) Resources include: 61-slide PowerPoint, 8 worksheets and planning documents... more info...
One Word Story Activity
One Word Story Activity In this resource children create an oral story as a class. Each class member is only allowed one word at a... more info...
Onomatopoeia - KS2
Onomatopoeia - KS2 Writing - vocabulary, grammar and punctuation 'Onomatopoeia - KS2' is an animated PowerPoint resource introducing pupils to onomatopoeia and how they can... more info...
Persuasive Writing
Year 5 / Year 6 English Teaching Resources: Persuasive Writing (73-slide PowerPoint and 6 worksheets) Our ‘Persuasive Writing’ teaching resource contains a series of engaging... more info...
Quickfire Questions Activity
Quickfire Questions Activity FREE Starter/Plenary Teaching Resource 'Quickfire Questions Activity' provides a fun start or end to any lesson on a range of subjects including... more info...
Reports and Explanations
Non fiction Unit – Reports and Explanations could form part of a class topic in which the children are learning about systems, procedures or processes.... more info...
Sentence Dictation 3 - Year 6
Sentence Dictation 3 - Year 6 This Year 6 spelling and punctuation teaching resource can be used to assess pupils' understanding of the statutory spellings... more info...
Silent Letters - Year 5 and 6
Silent Letters - Year 5 and 6 Years 5/6 English programme of study - Writing - transcription: spell some words with ‘silent’ letters [for example,... more info...
Similes - Year 5 and 6
Similes - Year 5 and 6: English Teaching Resource 'Similes - Year 5 and 6' is a KS2 English teaching resource that teaches pupils how... more info...
Spelling Skills - Year 2 to Year 6
Spelling Skills - Year 2 to Year 6 (74 slide PowerPoint and 7 worksheets) ‘Spelling Skills – Year 2 to Year 6’ covers a... more info...
Spellings - Year 5 and 6
Spellings - Year 5 and Year 6 enables teachers to assess spelling using words taken from the statutory spellings for Year 5 and the Year... more info...
Spring Haiku Poetry - Year 5 and 6
Spring Haiku Poetry - Year 5 and 6 Resources include: 38 slide PowerPoint and 2 Worksheet This 3-lesson unit is designed to cover creative writing... more info...
Subject - Verb Agreement - Year 5 and 6
Subject - Verb Agreement - Year 5 and 6 Year 5 and 6 English programme of study - Writing - composition Pupils should be taught... more info...
Summer Haiku Poetry - Year 5 and 6
FREE English Poetry Writing Teaching Resource Summer Haiku Poetry - Year 5 and 6 Resources include: 38 slide PowerPoint and 2 Worksheets This 3-lesson mini-unit... more info...
The Subordinate Clause
The Subordinate Clause 'The Subordinate Clause' is a handy 23 slide PowerPoint presentation that introduces pupils to this concept. It explores how to identify the... more info...
Titanic Non-fiction Unit
Titanic Non-fiction Unit - Year 5/6 154-slide PowerPoint with a 44-page booklet of PDF worksheets. Titanic – Non-fiction Unit is a complete unit of work... more info...
Understanding Complex Sentences
Understanding Complex Sentences This English SpaG teaching resource focuses on identifying main and subordinate clauses and writing complex sentences. Content includes: An editable PowerPoint teaching... more info...
Using a Dictionary - KS2
Using a Dictionary - KS2 Writing - transcription In 'Using a Dictionary - KS2' pupils practise their dictionary skills. Content includes: An animated PowerPoint presentation... more info...
Winter Haiku Poetry - Year 5 and 6
Year 5/6 English Teaching Resources: Winter Haiku. Resources include: 38-slide PowerPoint and 2 Worksheets This 3-lesson mini-unit is designed to cover creative writing and poetry.... more info...
Words Instead of Said - KS2
FREE RESOURCES - Words Instead of Said - KS2 Year 5/6 English programme of study - Writing - composition: Pupils should be taught to draft... more info...
Wow Words - KS2
Wow Words - KS2 Year 3 and 4 - Writing - transcription 'Wow Words - KS2' has been designed to help pupils develop and improve... more info...
Writing a Formal Letter - Year 5 and 6
Writing a Formal Letter - Year 5 and 6 Year 5 and 6 English programme of study - Writing - composition 'Writing a Formal Letter... more info...
Writing a Review - Years 5 and 6
Writing a Review - Years 5 and 6 Writing a Review - Years 5 and 6 guides children through the process of writing a review... more info...
Writing Effective Story Openings - Years 5 and 6
Writing Effective Story Openings - Years 5 and 6 This English writing teaching resource focuses on how to write an effective story opening. Content includes:... more info...
Writing Fiction - Creating Characters - Year 6
Writing Fiction - Creating Characters - Year 6 Year 5 and 6 English programme of study - Writing - composition This upper KS2 teaching resource... more info...
Writing to Entertain - Year 6
Writing to Entertain - Year 6 Ten Lesson English Writing Unit of Work 'Writing to Entertain - Year 6' is a ten lesson unit of... more info...
Writing to Persuade
Year 5 / Year 6 English Teaching Resources: Writing to Persuade is an 81 slide PowerPoint unit of work with stage by stage lessons specifically... more info...
Year 5 and Year 6 Autumn Term Spellings Dictation
Year 5 and Year 6 Autumn Term Spellings allows teachers to assess spelling in the context of sentences using words taken from the Year 5... more info...