Money Problems - Year 2
Money Problems - Year 2: KS1 Maths Teaching Activities
Year 2 maths programme of study - measurement:
- solve simple problems in a practical context involving addition and subtraction of money of the same unit, including giving change
In this year 2 maths teaching resource, pupils draw together all the money skills they have developed through solving simple money problems as per the curriculum objectives of the year 2 programme of study (Measurement) listed above. These activities also support the White Rose small steps guidance for year 2 - Autumn - Block 3 - Money. Content includes:
- Find the possible cost of an item using two coins activity and worksheet
- Money word problems activity and worksheet
- Two-step money word problems activity and worksheet
- 2 printable money cut out sheets to use with the activities
'Money Problems - Year 2' is fully editable so that teachers can adapt the resource to use with all abilities.
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