Colons and Semi-Colons - Year 5 and 6
Colons and Semi-Colons - Year 5 and 6
Year 5 and 6 English programme of study - Writing - vocabulary, grammar and punctuation
Pupils should be taught to:
- indicate grammatical and other features by: using semi-colons and colons to mark boundaries between independent clauses
- indicate grammatical and other features by: using a colon to introduce a list and a semi-colon within a list
In this upper KS2 English teaching resource, pupils learn how to correctly use colons and semi-colons as per the year 5 and 6 curriculum objectives listed above. 'Colons and Semi-Colons - Year 5 and 6' is an engaging, animated PowerPoint lesson including:
- How to use colons to introduce a list and to separate clauses within a sentence
- 2 colon activities with accompanying worksheets
- 1 further colon worksheet with answers
- How to use semi-colons to replace commas in a complex list and to join two complete sentences together
- 2 semi-colon activities with accompanying worksheets
- 1 further semi-colon worksheet with answers
'Colons and Semi-Colons - Year 5 and 6' is fully editable
allowing teachers to adapt the resource if needed to suit each class
they teach.
For a preview of 'Colons and Semi-Colons - Year 5 and 6' click the images opposite.
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