Titanic Non-fiction Unit
Titanic Non-fiction Unit - Year 5/6
154-slide PowerPoint with a 44-page booklet of PDF worksheets.
Titanic – Non-fiction Unit is a complete unit of work in which students learn how to read and write a range of text types. Resources include:
Narrative writing
Research skills, using paper and online resources.
Individual, pair and group work.
Speaking and listening activities.
Design an advertisement for Titanic.
Cross curricular links: Science (Forces - floating and sinking); Geography (Titanic's route, nature - icebergs, rocks and minerals, oceans, navigation); Art (advertising poster).
Reading and writing:
• an advertisement
• a diary entry
• a non-chronological report
• a narrative
• a newspaper report
• a biography
• Passive voice
• Sentence structure
• Parenthesis
The PDF booklet includes a copy of the story ‘The Joining of the Pair’, boarding passes and a number of activities.
To preview Titanic – Non-fiction Unit please click on the images opposite
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