KS2 Maths Teaching Resources
Our KS2 Maths pages contain hundreds of pages of resources for teaching number, fractions, decimals, percentages, measurement and geometry to pupils in both lower and upper KS2. All our materials have been made with a close eye on the Maths programmes of study so you can be confident that they cover the key requirements of the National Curriculum. All PowerPoint lessons are ready to teach but they are also fully editable so you can adjust and differentiate them to fit your exact teaching needs.

KS2 Maths - Number
KS2 Maths - Number. Here you'll find resources for teaching number and place value, fractions, addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, Roman numerals, rounding numbers, counting forwards and backwards and decimals.
KS2 Maths - Fractions, decimals & percentages
KS2 Maths - Fractions, decimals and percentages. This is where you'll find resources for teaching adding, subtracting, multiplying comparing and ordering fractions, as well as materials on tenths, hundredths and problem solving.
KS2 Maths - Geometry and Measurement
KS2 Maths - Geometry. In this section you'll discover resources for teaching Year 3 to 6 pupils 3D shapes, angles, area and coordinates.
All KS2 Maths Resources
All KS2 Maths Resources provides an A to Z of all our KS2 Maths teaching resources in alphabetical order. Click View or 'more info' to find out more and see a preview of each one.
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