EYFS / KS1 Maths Teaching Resources
Welcome to our EYFS / KS1 Maths section. Here you will find a range of resources for teaching number, measurement and geometry. All our materials have been created using the new Maths programmes of study so you can be confident that they address the requirements of the National Curriculum. As with all our PowerPoints, our EYFS and KS1 materials are fully editable so you can adapt and differentiate them as much as you want.

EYFS / KS1 Maths - Number
EYFS / KS1 Maths - Number. Here you'll find resources for teaching number and place value, fractions, addition, subtraction, multiplication and division at KS1.
EYFS / KS1 Maths - Measurement
EYFS / KS1 Maths - Measurement. This is where you'll find resources for teaching money, time, days of the week, length, height, weight, capacity, volume, sequencing and using standard and non-standard units of measurement.
EYFS / KS1 Maths - Geometry
EYFS / KS1 Maths - Geometry. In this section you'll discover resources for teaching Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 pupils key areas of position and direction geometry including clockwise and anti-clockwise, 2D shapes, 3D...
KS1 Maths - Statistics
KS1 Maths - Statistics. In this section of the website you will discover materials for teaching tables, tally charts, pictograms and block diagrams at KS1.
All EYFS / KS1 Maths Resources
All EYFS / KS1 Maths Resources provides a helpful overview of all our EYFS / KS1 Maths resources in alphabetical order. Click View or 'more info' to find out more and see a preview of...
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