Fantastic Mr Fox
Fantastic Mr Fox
English Fiction Reading Resource
This KS2 English fiction unit of work covers the Roald Dahl classic 'Fantastic Mr Fox'. It comes in the form of an eleven lesson editable PowerPoint presentation and a 13-page booklet of worksheets.
'Fantastic Mr Fox' contains a variety of lessons and activities designed to help children understand the book's plot, characters, language and themes.
'Fantastic Mr Fox' includes something for children of all abilities:
- A scheme of work overview with 11 progressive four part lessons covering the author Roald Dahl, plot, character, themes and language
- A Roald Dahl mini biography, a video about Roald Dahl by Michael Rosen, a comprehension task and a class game
- Reading, writing and speaking and listening activities
- Eleven 4 part lessons each with starter activity, introduction, development and plenary
- Developing prediction skills using book covers (images, title, author, blurb) about plot, characters, themes and genre
- Writing frames to help children write about characters
- Examining Roald Dahl's use of language in Fantastic Mr Fox (using effective verbs and adjectives)
- Exploring how Roald Dahl creates characters
- Creating a comic strip version of Fantastic Mr Fox to assess understanding of the plot
- Tips for tackling new words
- Cross curricular - Endangered species (Geography, Citizenship, nature and the environment)
Fantastic Mr Fox by Roald Dahl is completely editable so teachers have the freedom to adapt the resource to suit the individual needs of each class they teach.
To preview 'Fantastic Mr Fox' in more detail please click on the PowerPoint images.
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