Comparing Decimals - Year 4
Comparing Decimals - Year 4
Year 4 maths programme of study - Number - fractions (including decimals)
- compare numbers with the same number of decimal places up to two decimal places
In this KS2 maths teaching resource pupils practise comparing decimals with up to two decimal places. It is an ideal teaching aid to use in a lesson covering the year 4 curriculum objective listed above. Content includes:
- Find the decimal represented by the place value chart and compare using the >, < and = signs activity and worksheet
- Complete the place value charts so that the statements are correct activity and worksheet
- Compare the decimal numbers using the > and < signs activity and worksheet
- Fill in the gaps to make the sentences correct activity and worksheet
- Make the greatest and smallest decimal number from the digits shown activity and worksheet
'Comparing Decimals - Year 4' is editable so teachers can adapt the resource to meet their individual teaching needs.
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